Value Chain Analysis of Education Industry

Education Industry focuses on providing education to the students as its primary goal and objective. They could be for-profit, non-profit, or public education. Today, we’ll discuss the value chain analysis of Education Industry supply chain analysis; primary and supporting activities in the process of value chain analysis Example Company. They are inbound and outbound logistics, operations, marketing, and customer service; infrastructure, HRM, technology, and procurement as an application of the value chain analysis process.

Levels of Schooling in the Education Industry

  • Primary school
  • Secondary school
  • Elementary school
  • Community colleges
  • Universities
  • Education department and ministry

The Value chain analysis of Education Industry supply chain analysis would analyze the primary and supporting activities in the process of value chain analysis. They’re inbound and outbound logistics, operations, marketing, and services; infrastructure, HRM, technology, and procurement. Here’s the supply chain analysis of Education Industry value chain analysis company example as follows;

Value Chain Analysis of Education Industry

Let’s discuss the primary and supporting activities involved in the process of value chain analysis of Education Industry supply chain analysis. It is an application of value chain analysis based on Porter’s model; some of the key elements and components of value chain analysis are as follows;

Primary Activities of Education Industry

The primary activities are directly involved in the production of products and goods and adding value to the educational institutes. Some of the five main primary activities in the value chain analysis of Education Industry supply chain analysis are as follows;

Inbound Logistics of Education Industry

I-Suppliers Network

Some of the main suppliers in the Education Industry are as follows;

  • Educational institutes
  • Schools, colleges, and universities
  • Stationary items
  • Books and book publishers
  • Teachers
  • Furniture craftsmen

Education Industry has established a very large supplier network in various countries across the world. Their system and layout would be different, but the suppliers would be there in various forms.

II-Quality Education

Education Industry has set up strict protocols for imparting knowledge and information to the students. The objective is to improve the learning capabilities of the students and update the teaching skills of the teachers. It allows them to deliver quality education to the students; they could manage the challenges of the existing time.

Outbound Logistics of Education Industry

Education Industry employs various transportation mediums and channels to distribute books, furniture, building materials, and other supplies to the educational institutes. They move supplies and educational materials from the production and manufacturing facilities and the retail stores to the schools, colleges, universities, and educational institutes.

Operations of Education Industry

I-Teaching & Education Methods

Education Industry employs various teaching and education methods and strategies to impart and deliver knowledge to the students. Depending on the location and availability of teachers, the educational and learning classes could be online or offline. The teaching style could be traditional lecture-based, activity-based learning, or back-and-forth engaging style. Every teaching and educational style has its own pros and cons.

II-Extra Curricular Activities

Along with teaching knowledge to the students in the classrooms, educational institutes also conduct and organize extracurricular activities for students. They comprise of sports events, debating and speech, drama, music, camping, swimming, and others. The objective of all such activities is to build confidence among students and promote team spirit among them.

Marketing & Sales of Education Industry

Education Industry runs various marketing and advertisement campaigns for the promotion of their educational products and services. They employ various media channels and marketing strategies to approach their targeted customers and users.

Services of Education Industry

Education Industry offers a wide range of services to students and users. The additional services help them to promote the brand reputation and attract the attention of potential new students and parents;

  • Education and learning
  • Online classes
  • Supportive educational material
  • Extracurricular activities

Supporting Activities of Education Industry

Supporting activities are indirectly involved in the production of products and goods and adding value to the educational institutes. Some of the main supporting activities in the value chain analysis of Education Industry supply chain analysis are as follows;

Infrastructure of Education Industry

Education Industry has established a very large infrastructure of schools, colleges, universities, professional teaching staff, sports grounds, and excellent furniture. The well-developed infrastructure would help educational institutes to smoothly perform their various learning operations and timely deliver educational services to the students.

HRM of Education Industry

Education Industry has employed millions of people to perform different roles in schools, colleges, and universities across the world. The human resource management department of the education industry plays a key role in recruiting the right teachers for teaching, conducting training programs for teachers to update their skills and expertise, and maintaining the records of teachers, students, and the school.

Technological Development of Education Industry

Education Industry invests a significant amount of capital resources on research and technological development. Some world’s leading universities are closely collaborating with the industries for the development of new materials and advanced technology. However, it results in the form of better professional education for students and practical knowledge of the industry.

Procurement of Education Industry

Education Industry is highly careful about the ethical procurement of raw materials, supplies, and educational resources for students. They prefer to collaborate and partner up with suppliers and vendors that meet their standards and regulatory requirements.

Conclusion: Education Industry Value Chain Analysis Example Company | Application of Value Chain Analysis Process |Process of Value Chain Analysis

After an in-depth study of the value chain analysis of Education Industry; we have realized that Education Industry is the world’s leading and growing industry. If you are learning about the Education Industry value chain analysis example company; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned primary and supporting activities. They’re inbound and outbound logistics; operations, marketing and sales, and services; infrastructure, procurement, HRM, and technological development as an application of the value chain analysis process.

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