Value Chain Analysis of Wipro

Wipro Limited is a business consulting, IT, and technology Indian multinational company. MH Hasham Premji founded the company in 1945. Today, we’ll discuss the value chain analysis of Wipro supply chain analysis; primary and supporting activities in the process of value chain analysis Example Company. They are inbound and outbound logistics, operations, marketing, and customer service; infrastructure, HRM, technology, and procurement as an application of the value chain analysis process.

Suppliers and Partners of Wipro

  • VendorNet
  • Kawasaki Precision Machinery
  • Ensono
  • ThingWorx
  • Microsoft
  • Industrial Internet Consortium
  • DataStax
  • Cisco
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Adobe

The Value chain analysis of Wipro supply chain analysis would analyze the primary and supporting activities in the process of value chain analysis. They’re inbound and outbound logistics, operations, marketing, and services; infrastructure, HRM, technology, and procurement. Here’s supply chain analysis of Wipro value chain analysis company example as follows;

Value Chain Analysis of Wipro

Let’s discuss the primary and supporting activities involved in the process of the value chain analysis of Wipro supply chain analysis. It is an application of value chain analysis based on Porter’s model; some of the key elements and components of value chain analysis are as follows;

Primary Activities of Wipro

The primary activities are directly involved in the production of products and goods and adding value to the IT and Consultancy company. Some of the five main primary activities in the value chain analysis of Wipro supply chain analysis are as follows;

Inbound Logistics of Wipro

I-Suppliers Network

Wipro has established a very large suppliers, vendors, and partners network. They provide tech supplies, parts, tools, equipment, software, and applications to the business consulting and IT company. The large and diverse suppliers network would help the company to ensure the smooth availability of supplies, equipment, and software without any delays and disruption.

II-Suppliers Diversity

Inclusion and diversity are the key pillars of Wipro’s business. The tech and consulting firm prefers to collaborate with a diverse range of suppliers and provides opportunities to deserving members of society. According to an estimate, approximately 50% of suppliers and vendors belong to the following groups;

  • Small, medium, and micro enterprises
  • Historically underutilized businesses
  • Disabled service veterans
  • LGBTQ+
  • People with disabilities
  • Women-owned businesses
  • Minorities

Outbound Logistics of Wipro

Wipro employs various in-house, online, and cloud technology, and 3rd party logistics services providers for the transportation and distribution of products and services. Tech professionals, tools, equipment, and digital devices are the main suppliers of the company. However, tech and consultancy firms employ various channels to bring talented individuals into the company; along with other other tools, equipment, parts, components, and devices.

Operations of Wipro

Wipro engages in multiple operations of employing the latest technological tools, cognitive technology, robotic automation processes, and other technology to offer tech solutions to customers. Integrating business knowledge and the latest technological tools and expertise would help the company resolve various complicated issues and problems of the clients and customers.

Marketing & Sales of Wipro

Wipro runs various types of marketing and advertisement campaigns for the promotion of its products and services. The tech and consultancy brand employs various media channels; traditional and digital media platforms, billboards, and other marketing campaigns and strategies to approach the targeted segments of the customer market.

Services of Wipro

Wipro offers a wide range of products and services to individual customers and client companies. The additional service portfolio helps the company to amplify its customer’s market reach and promote brand loyalty. However, some of the main services of the firm are as follows;

  • Real estate
  • Airports
  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Data Analytics
  • Robotics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Digital transformation
  • Computer security
  • Software solutions

Supporting Activities of Wipro

Supporting activities are indirectly involved in the production of products and goods and adding value to the tech and business consultancy company. Some of the main supporting activities in the value chain analysis of Wipro supply chain analysis are as follows;

Infrastructure of Wipro

Wipro has established a very large infrastructure of suppliers and partners network, tech-based working facility, and database of tech professionals. The large and developed infrastructure helps the tech and IT Company to smoothly perform its various operations and timely deliver the finished goods to the end consumers.

HRM of Wipro

Wipro has employed approximately 234000 employees to manage its global operations. The human resource management department of Tech Company plays a key role in building a large and diverse database of employees, conducting training programs, implementing diversity and inclusion programs, and offering equal employment opportunities to all regardless of any differences.

Technological Development of Wipro

Wipro invests a significant amount of capital resources in research and technological development. It allows the tech and consultancy firm to employ the latest technological tools and applications, develop unique solutions for customers and business clients, and find innovative methods of fixing problems.

Procurement of Wipro

Wipro is highly careful and cautious about ethical sourcing and procurement of supplies, materials, parts, and components from suppliers and partners. The company has set up a strict code of conduct for suppliers to ensure their compliance with ethical standards, environmental sustainability, and industry regulations.

Conclusion: Wipro Value Chain Analysis Example Company | Application of Value Chain Analysis Process |Process of Value Chain Analysis

After an in-depth study of the value chain analysis of Wipro; we have realized that Wipro is the leading tech and consultancy service-providing firm. If you are learning about the Wipro value chain analysis example company; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned primary and supporting activities. They’re inbound and outbound logistics; operations, marketing and sales, and services; infrastructure, procurement, HRM, and technological development as an application of the value chain analysis process.

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